advertising anintroduction

 what is an advert?

an advert is a clip or any kind of thing that can promote a brand movie etc, for example there will be adverts for films to get people to go and watch it.

what is an advertising campaign?

its adverts that combine to give out a certain message 

what different mediums can adverts appear in?

6 Types of Advertising Media Channels
  • Television & YouTube
  • Radio & Podcast
  • Newspapers
  • magazine or paper.
  • billboards
  • Social Media.

what is the main purpose of an advert?

the purpose of to promote a message. 

This advert is one example of advertising as millions of people went to go watch this film, therefor making the advert a success. One reason i believe it is success. 
is because the film took two years to come out and when everyone that had been waiting so the advert, they immediately went to watch it, Black Panther was very famous especially because of the actor Chadwick Bosemen who played as Black panther. Unfortunately, he passed and that left everyone wondering if there would be another film. Second reason it is successful is because black panther is one of their only black marvel movies and this attracts the black community.  therefor in conclusion the advert is a huge success because it spreads the message around the world.


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