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Case study 1: KFC the family feast
KFC family feast is one of KFC's most famous campaigns, its famously bought and loved for families, parties, etc. However, the latest campaign for them was 7 years ago. This collection is six pieces of chicken, four regular fries, two large sides and a large bottle to drink for the side and beans or coleslaw or sweet corn for your choosing. All the chicken in is the original from 1952. This advert was launched in 2015 it was all over social media and TV. It is a UK advert. This product can be displayed on billboards, tv or social media apps such as Instagram.
The purpose of this ad is to further promote and gain more and more customers and higher status, they are already one of the highest most worldwide food brands and they must always create new foods and promote themselves more for generations upon generations hence why this advert is such a huge success, and the collection brings in a lot of money another example as to why it's a success. In the image and media, itself it includes everything that is included with this package. People or families that are a lot can get food for everyone for a quite a cheap amount and more than enough food for everyone. Both of the adverts aim for the television and billboards is to influence more people to eat and buy their food in the advert 0:27 seconds in they show the food.
Target Audience
The main target audience is for families or just large groups in general it saves people a lot of money for everyone as they will not have to spend a lot of money for a big variety or amount of food. Parents or any figure that wants to satisfy and feed a large group of people are the main targets for this campaign. In the advert 0:2 seconds in we see the family bored, 0:13 seconds their mood changes the moment they see the food. There is no specific age range either you can feed it to all age groups except babies and it doesn't matter what gender either, but Kfc would more likely suspect that an older person around the ages 16 upwards would purchase this order as their more inclined. The tv target audience would be for families or older communities as their more inclined to watch tv younger people even kids just want to be on their tablet or phone.
Key message
The main message is KFC can put a smile on your face also, that they have an order with a generous amount of money to spend for large groups that can satisfy everyone. They are including all the originals as well such as the chips, coke and Kentucky fried chicken for more benefits for their food organisation. In the advert they include a family and there bored and unhappy 0:2 seconds in but when the mum brings over the food their faces light up and they start eating the dad even put his phone away 0:22 seconds into the advert. Both adverts have the same message that they are pulling out, with the billboards that message is displayed bigger than on tv.

KFC approach for the family feast is ten pieces of the original chicken that includes chicken tenders and wings as well, four regular sides, large side and bottle that comes with. Their ad for this campaign is very loving and nurturing it shows a bored family a workaholic dad and when they all see their food 0:13 seconds in their mood changes this illustrates that KFC can bring families together and put a smile on their faces. A billboard approach is to display what they are selling or want to engage people for KFC they want people to eat their food and for tv it directed for people to watch and find it tempting and want to buy.
The KFC advert always contains family or just random people who always happen to be sad or any negative emotion and the moment they eat or see KFC their faces light up potentially implying KFC makes people happy 0:13 seconds in. For the billboard it's a red background representing their signature colour with the 12-bucket chicken tipping out on the bottom right corner and to the left is a plate with coleslaw and beans on it, further on the right near the middle is fries and at the very top and in bold in the top left corner in white font is FAMILY FEAST and the price.

Campaign logistics The KFC advert will be produced at random times in the day on TV and in all kinds of social media such as YouTube, Amazon, Instagram etc. This advert was produced in the day so the ad will probably put out during 12-8pm during the day people will be on their phones or watching TV. It will be advertising on popular channels for kids and adults. For the billboard KFC food will be displayed for everyone to see this is for them to want to buy or if it's a child for someone to get it for them. By doing this KFC money increases same with their business.
Choice of media
This media can be on anywhere more specifically TV because when families choose to watch films or spend time, they will see it and want to order or get, also teenagers or parents that are constantly on their phones and tell their friends or family members. Billboard don't have a choice of media as they are a large print from an advert or something someone has made to promote the business or what they are promoting it will get put somewhere high or on buses or bus stop posts.
call to action
KFC wants people to automatically believe that when you eat their food it will bring you joy and satisfaction. The response mechanism will be shown at any hour in the day so families specifically and everyone can watch and want to order or eat in at KFC same with billboards everyone will see and have access to KFC website directions to the nearest one and their phone number. The response that KFC expects is for people to see it and eat their food this will therefor increase their salary and business this is appropriate for the product as KFC will gain more customers.
legal and ethical issues
There are no problems or legal issues for this ad so KFC doesn't have to worry about those problems, they also do not have to worry about copyright as it was their own original idea. One issue that KFC may have legally is the fact their music is not theirs it is produced by an artist can solve this issue by making sure that artist is alright with their decision KFC must ensure that people do not write bad reviews that go viral as this could complicate a big situation for them, and they will start losing customers and money expenses.
regulatory issues the advert doesn't cause any harm or offence to the audience the storyline in the advert fit and successfully go with their logo. This advert is not misleading for anyone as it is a happy family enjoying their order the advert fits its purpose to encourage families to eat their family feast meal and the advert is perfect representation for that. The advert is loving and shows the impact KFC can do to your mood.
Case study 2: SZA new album debut
SZA new album has been a huge hit world-wide and all across social media such as TikTok, Instagram and any music app. SZA is a multimillionaire and is huge for this generation her songs always trend and go to top hits, she realised her newest album December 9, 2022, and already in the new year her songs are going viral people are making snapchats, Instagram's, TikTok etc. She has released a few music videos for her songs already. She has multiple hit songs and every time she releases an album everyone listens. Her most recent hit is low, kill bill, blind and snooze.
aims: SZA aim for her new album is to produce more hits and increase her status in the music business some of her sounds like I hate you and good days were a message to a record label that didn't want to produce her song. SZA hasn't made an advert video just used her album cover, but it plays her songs in the background it gives people a snippet of her songs. The advert is aimed to produce SZA album and music, music industries or companies such as Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube etc they help benefit her success as people use these apps on a daily basis, they also benefit from SZA profit as they gain more money the more people listen to her songs.
target audience: Her target audience is for teenagers and adults I doubt older generations would listen to her however it is the generation that are blowing up her song, her songs do include some adult things such as swearing so it's not child friendly however they may be able to listen with a parent or older sibling. Her target audience would be towards people that love Pop or are fans of hers, artists or future artists will want to collab with her, so it gives them higher rates in the music business. Her target audience will be for people that relate to her lyrics they will listen to her music more and this way she gains more fans that will continuously download or by her concerts and albums.
key message: I do believe each of her songs have a hidden message and her album is called S.O.S which I believe she is in her overcoming of everything bad that's happened like this is a new era for her that's why one of her songs is called good days and, in her lyrics, she talks about her overcoming of her relationship. In one of SZA music video Kill Bill she is dressed as a ninja the song was actually inspired by the movie of a ex spy who her former colleagues and boss kill everyone at her wedding including her soon to be husband so she gets revenge on everyone SZA could have also used this specific movie for other reasons. These messages will attract powerful women or women that have went through heartbreak as they will relate and listen to her music more "relatable artist".

approach: SZA just wants to release her music for people to understand her more and increase her status her music is very relatable for her audience a main reason why she is so high in this generation and also for her beautiful voice that everyone enjoys listening. SZA had fans waiting for months for her new album to come out by her just publishing her album cover it further increases their curiosity this is a great way for her to get people to listen to the album. Her face alone is enough for people to want to listen because of how much recognition she receives the moment she produces or shows teasers or things people will automatically listen to it.
campaign logistics: Produce all her song and give the most viewed and listened to music video for example good days, kill bill etc they are hit songs from SZA that she has given a music video to I believe she is currently working on making more. She is spreading the word through her social and any music business and she also posts on her story people TikTok or anyone that tags her this is widely helping her improve. Music industries increase most of SZA profit because without them people wouldn't really listen to her music especially in this generation as they don't tv and apps and social media have become the new best way for producing and advertisement.
choice of media: Her choice of media can be tv, but it mainly is through apple music, Spotify and YouTube and again any social media that this generation uses that can spread her album and tell everyone about her songs. SZA decided not to use ads she just did a trailer on YouTube of her new album, again media is a better way of producing because millions of people will see and listen whereas if it was on newspaper or radio, it wouldn't get as much.
call to action: SZA wants people to enjoy and understand and relate to her songs each title of her songs seems to have a story or meaning behind it for example Kill bill was a popular movie of a retired spy whose fiancée gets killed on her wedding day, so she ends up seeking revenge maybe SZA has just gotten out of a relationship hence the song.
legal and ethical issues: So far there hasn't been any legal issues maybe some complaints but no copyright either therefor there are no legal or ethical issues the only people that may complain is older generation or parents having a problem with their child listening to her.
regulatory issues: SZA doesn't have an advert for her album just an album cover that plays the track to one of her songs.
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